Thursday, March 4, 2010


If you are in the need for pork, we have an abundance! We have about 5 pigs worth of meat in our freezer. Lots of roasts, steaks, chops, ham steaks, boneless ribs, sausage and bacon. Let me know if you would like a price quote on any of the above. It is farm fresh, naturally raised, and tastier than you can imagine. We eat pork all the time, but it will take us years to get through all that we have.

Come on, can't you just smell it?.....Pork roast in the crock-pot, with potatoes, carrots, celery, onion simmering next to it?....

Oh boy, I better go get a roast and put it in the crock-pot. Guess what we are having for dinner tonight?


lesapeamusings.blogspot said...

OOOOOh meee meeee...That's alot of pork. Roast pork is my favorite.Wishing I was there. Thanks for sharing.