This past Thursday, motocross ended for the season. Evan has done such an incredible job racing on his KTM. He has really improved and rides like him and the bike are one. It has been amazing and fun to watch him; and yes, a little scary. Evan ended his season with a third place trophy for the last race and overall points in third place. He received a huge trophy for his year end placement, plus a garbage can decopaged with motocross pictures, a huge sheet of decals for his bike, and a motocross puzzle.

I have spent this afternoon helping him put his puzzle together. This is what it ended up looking like. We got it all finished in a couple of hours. It was really fun working on it with him. Now he wants to take it apart and have Daddy help him put it together again.
Don't ask me why this picture posted sideways. I have no idea what happened!!!
Congratulations to Evan from Grammy & Papa on a great season. We really enjoyed getting to watch you race this year and we can't wait until next year. The puzzel looks great Evan and Mommy. Good job.
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