Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My crazy kid

Evan has enjoyed having a mohawk since he was little. Every once in a while we cut it and start over, but lately he has wanted to keep it. We started out with purple. Nooksack pride all the way!!!
Then he went red for the holidays.

Now, we are blue. Why blue, you ask? We don't really know other than it is a nice color.


Snow Mommy said...

I like the blue....much better than the rainbow!

Tracie said...

HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO!!!! It wasn't rainbow... it was TIEDYE!!!

Jeesh... LOL ;-)

Papa said...

Hey Grammy and Papa love it. But then again if it was any color of the rainbow and on our boy we would still love it. We are really missing the kids and can't wait to see you guys again soon.

Stephana said...

LOVE that blue :)