Monday, May 11, 2009

My Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day. It started off with a wonderful sermon by Pastor Grant, followed by brunch at Homestead Golf Course. After stuffing ourselves silly with good food, we came home for a little bit and regrouped. At 2pm we went to see my niece, Jessica, in the NVHS play "Footloose". It was awesome!! I couldn't believe how well all of the kids did in their parts. The singing was amazing, the dancing was good, and the acting was great. It was really fun. Of course, Sierra's favorite parts were the kissing scene and the end when they release a ton of balloons from the ceiling all over the audience.
After the play, we came home and Gordon mowed the lawn while Evan rode his dirtbike around the driveway for awhile. Sierra played up in her room, and I cleaned up a little. I know, I know, it was Mother's Day. I'm not supposed to do anything! But, I had 10 dozen eggs to clean and put away and a load of laundry to get done.
The rest of the evening was spent catching up on recorded shows and chillin'. All in all, A GREAT DAY!!!


Brad Neitling said...

Happy Mothers Day Tracie. Hope you got my message on the phone.