Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kittens, anyone?

My friend Diann has six kittens that were born 4 weeks ago. Mom and Dad are barn cats, but the kittens have been raised inside so far. The pictures aren't that great, but they are really cute kittens. Diann is not asking for anything for them and they will be ready to go in a few weeks. Let me know if you are interested or know of anyone who is interested.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Great Greenhouse Fire of 2009

Today was Sumas Days in Sumas, WA. We started out the day with a parade. It was a very fast parade, starting at 11:00am and ending at 11:23am. Quite entertaining! Then we went to the Sumas Park for a Hot Rod Show and a kid's carnival. We walked around, played games, and ate hot dogs. Evan was extremely tired from playing all day the day before, so he decided he didn't want to stay. Grammy and Papa brought him home early while the rest of us stayed. When Papa got home, he decided to use his flame-torch and burn some weeds. When we pulled in the driveway, Papa was weed-wacking. He turned off the weed-wacker to talk to us. As I turned around I noticed what looked like smoke in my greenhouse. I asked what it was. Gordon, Papa, Brad and I all started walking towards the greenhouse realizing that in fact, it was smoke. Holy Cow, what's burning? Apparently, Papa got a little too close to the greenhouse with the flame-thrower and the smoldering weeds and hot concrete got the door and the door frame hot enough to start on fire.

I know, I was huge wasn't it? It could have burned up the whole greenhouse. My poor Gourds and Pumpkins. My potting soil, and my many hanging baskets could have been up in flames.

It's a really good thing that I have a fireman for a husband. Whew-he saved the day again.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Save the blueberries!!!

Every year Gordon's parent, Aunt and Grandpa come to visit in June. Aunt Jan and Grandpa only stay for a couple of weeks and when it is time for them to go home, Papa drives their motorhome back to Portland for them and then takes the train back up to Bellingham. For the last few years the kids have gone with him so that they can ride on the train. So, on Tuesday the headed off to Portland, spent the night hot-tubbing and watching movies with Papa, and riding the bikes that Grammy and Papa have at their house. Wednesday morning they got up and hot-tubbed again and then headed out to breakfast at Marie Callendar's. Sierra ordered a chocolate muffin and a bowl of blueberries. I heard that they were beautiful, big blueberries and she couldn't eat them all. Evan decided to bring some home to Daddy, because Daddy LOVES blueberries. Papa loaded the chocolate muffin and the blueberries into a t0-go muffin tin and they headed off.
On the way up to Jan's, some of the blueberries spilled out of the tin and got squished. Evan was adamant about taking the blueberries to Daddy so, he picked out the 5 that were still in good shape and put them back in the muffin tin.
Once on the train they checked the blueberries again and Sierra and Evan decided to try a couple. They weren't that good, but there was one good one left. The lone blueberry, making a 300 mile journey, from restaurant to vehicle to train, just to please Daddy.
Anyways, about 15 minutes or so from Bellingham, Evan went to check on the lone blueberry and it popped out of the tin and rolled under the seats. Evan couldn't believe it. He looked at Papa and said, "I just lost the last blueberry. It rolled under the seats." Sierra was so concerned, she got down on her belly and looked under the seats trying to find the blueberry. After all, she was planning on using the 10 second rule. But, the blueberry was not to be found.
They had a good laugh over the travels of the blueberry, and then again when they told us the story on the way home from the train station.

"Farewell, lone blueberry. We hope you had a safe journey into Canada, and wherever else you roam."

"Parting is such sweet sorrow...."

"I'm so blue, yes I'm blue....."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wake up call

Today my brother-in-law, Brad, who is living with us right now, knocked on our door at 5:30am. He said, "The calf, Lucas, is in the front pasture with the other cows and his mom is not with him." Gordon and I got up to take a look and discovered not Lucas, but another baby calf. Still wet from birth and trying to stand on it's wobbly legs. Brad had just left for work so we called him to let him know that it was in fact a new calf.

Everyone, I would like to introduce Diego, the 2nd bull calf born in the last two days. He looks just like his cousin, Lucas, but he is just slightly bigger.
What a joy these new babies bring to our farm. Now we just need Buttercup to deliver and we will have three new lives on our farm.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day? or birthday?

Yesterday started out as a hurried, fast-paced rush to get everyone ready to head off to church. After church, brunch at Homestead Golf Course (if you have never been there for brunch, I encourage everyone to try it out. It is amazing!), after brunch, home for a relaxing Father's Day hanging out around the camp fire and ending the evening with roasting hot dogs and brats over the fire.


Instead, we noticed that one of our pregnant heifers was not with the rest of the group so we took off into the woods to go and find her. She was all alone in the corner of the woods. That is not a usual thing with cows. They like to be together in groups. We watched her for awhile and noticed that she looked to be uncomfortable. Since she is a first-time mommy, we decided to forgo church and watch her for a while. Sure enough, she was in labor! Two hours later, we had a beautiful black angus bull. He was born at 12:35.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, GORDON- I was going to get you a flame thrower, but how about a calf instead?

Everyone, I would like you to meet Lucas, our Black Angus bull (soon to be steer).

Friday, June 19, 2009

Girls annual tea party

Last year we started a tradition. When Grammy and Papa come up for the month of June, the girls have a tea party. Great Grandpa and Aunt Jan also come up around Father's Day, so our tea party consists of me, Sierra, Grammy, Aunt Jan and Aimee (Aunt Jan's cat). Last year we had a pink theme. This year we went with blue. It was a fun time and conversation was hilarious. Sierra mentioned testicles from the pool (she meant chemicals). Evan was our photographer for the event. Pictures turned out a little dark, but ok. We had tea (hot chocolate), blueberries (blue cereal) and cookies with blue M&M's. It was a fun time again this year.
Our conversation always starts out:
"did you hear the news?" and we go on from there. Our news this year consisted of Papa going to the woods, Grammy throwing Faith's duck in the pool, our dinner plans for the evening, and taking left over cookies to Great Grandpa.
Who knows? Next year's theme could be.......?


Last night was Evan's motocross night again. This year he is on a bigger, faster bike. He has been practicing really hard and getting better and better. He has raced 5 times this year. The first three he came in 4th, fourth race he came in 3rd, and last night he came in 2nd. He raced so well and did a great job controlling his bike. He improves every week and it is exciting, nerve-racking, and great fun to watch him race.
If anyone wants a loud, but fun evening out, come to Hannegan Speedway on Thursday evenings. Practices start at 4, racing begins at 5:30. Evan is in race #5, my nephew Carson is in race #3. It costs $8.00 per adult to get in, $7.00 per kid over 5.
Hope to see you there!!!!

Way to go Evan!!! You are AWESOME!!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My athletic kid

Evan loves all sports, and likes to keep active. Every day he wants to ride his motorcycle around the cow pasture to improve his skills. He also rides his bicycle all day long. This morning he went on a 3 1/2 mile walk with Papa. He is going to be such a strong, athletic guy!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009


I am apologizing to all my bloggy friends. I have been so busy this past couple of weeks that I have not had the chance to blog regularly. I promise I will try to do better. The last week of school is done, Evan's last day is today. Maybe things will slow down a little next week.
I do have a few things to blog about, so stay tuned and keep checking. I will get back to it soon.

Monday, June 8, 2009

sandwich-yummy? or not?

Yesterday I was busy cleaning and forgot to feed Sierra her lunch. She decided that she would make herself a sandwich. She does this often. Peanut butter and honey. Easy to make, easy to clean up. She was bored with the same old sandwich, so she "concocted" a new one. She told me, "Mom, this one is going to be delicious, fabulous."
I told her that if she made a "special" sandwich, she had to eat it. She was ok with that.
Here is how it went....
Take two pieces of bread and spray them with spray butter.
Then add two slices of processed american cheese. Spray a little more butter, add honey. When mom isn't looking, grab garlic salt and add. Yup, I said garlic salt! Then spread it all around and dig in!

Sierra took one bite, made a horrible face, and said,

"Oh, mom, I am a Terrible cook!!!"

Needless to say, I didn't make her eat it all.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Whatch Out Whatcom County!!!

My niece, Jessi, got her license today!!! She is so excited to finally be able to drive. She borrowed Gordon's car because she learned to drive in it and feels very comfortable with the small-ness of it, especially when it came to parallel parking!!

Way to go, Jessi!!! I remember changing your diapers, and now you are driving.