Sunday, May 31, 2009


In response to my friend, Betty, whom I have never met, but love dearly through my blog, yes I sell eggs. We have farm fresh brown and green eggs that we sell for $3.00/dozen. I deliver eggs once a week to my dentist office in Bham. I never know for sure what day, but it is usually Mon-Wed. I can always put you on a list for delivery and meet up with you somewhere close to the dentist office. I don't want to start delivering eggs all over Bham or I will have to raise prices to include some gas money. But I will definitely deliver close to my dentist office. It is Meridian Dental on the Guide Meridian, across from the Country Club. Let me know Betty, if you would like to start getting some from me.

Seattle Sounders

Gordon took Evan and his best bud, Jacob to the Seattle Sounders soccer game yesterday. Jacob has never been to a sporting event like that and he has never stayed in a hotel, so Gordon decided it would be fun to stay over night after the game. Here are a few pics of the boys having a good time.

Girl's night out...

Gordon and Evan went to Seattle for the Seattle Sounders soccer game yesterday, so Sierra and I decided to have a girl's night out. We started out our afternoon with a little shopping. We went to Michael's, where I spent my $25 gift card, plus a little extra. I am planning on making special stones to remember our dogs that we have lost in the past, so I bought pretty glass and things to use for that. Plus, Sierra and I found fun blue hats to decorate for our tea party with Grammy and Aunt Jan this next month. Last year we had a pink theme, this year we are going with blue.
After Michael's, we went to the mall. I am not a mall shopper, but it was ok this time because I was very specific as to where I wanted to go. We started out at Kohl's, looking for bathing suits for Sierra. She has outgrown her ones from last year. Nothing exciting in Kohl's, so we headed out to Old Navy. I know, I said I would never shop there again after the snotty attitudes of the workers, but they usually have good deals on bathing suits. I was amazed that they had NOTHING!! I mean, NOTHING!! A couple of ugly suits for Sierra's size, but other than that, everything else was for little kids, or teens. So, we went and bought our tickets to the movie we were going to see and then headed down to Target. Finally, we found some cute suits. Of course, Sierra zoned in on the ugliest one. I had to convince her not to pick that one without hurting her feelings or thinking that she has bad taste. Anyways, after about 10 minutes of talking it through, we finally settled on two cute ones. She already has such strong opinions about her style, I think I might be in trouble when she gets older!!! Good thing I can convince Auntie Sherri to take her shopping!
Finally we went to see the movie. "UP" was entertaining, hilarious, and a very sweet love story for a Disney Pixar movie. I recommend it to all! I plan on seeing it again with Gordon and Evan sometime. The short movie before hand that Pixar always does was GREAT!! One of the best I have ever seen.
After the movie got out, it was close to 7pm. Sierra wanted to go to Applebee's for dinner. I agreed and off we went. After we got our food and started to eat, I remembered that I was driving the Honda, not my Suburban. Then I started to panic a little. The Honda doesn't have working head lights. If you turn on the lights, smoke starts to pour out of the steering column. Yikes, hurry up girl! Eat your food! We were eating and laughing an all of a sudden, Sierra spurts out, "hey mom, why are your boobs sitting on the table?" Of course, our waiter (male) was just walking up to our table. Instead, he tried to contain his laughter and turned around and walked away. He didn't come back for almost 10 minutes. I could have died!!! Thanks a lot Sierra!
We finally made it home about 8:30pm. It was just getting dusky, so we just barely made it. I did farm chores and watered flowers while Sierra played on the playground with the dogs, then we went in to take a nice bath and paint our toenails. Let's just say that we ended up painting our toenails around 11:30pm or so and didn't turn off the light until 1am. Sierra fell right to sleep, but I kept looking at the clock. I think the last time I looked it was 2ish.
The good news is.....I slept in until 10:30am today! Yes!!!!! I feel good.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My baby girl...

Yesterday was Sierra's last day of Preschool. She has learned so much in the two years of preschool and is now ready for Kindergarten. Can you believe it? I still remember a beautiful baby girl being handed to me by her birth mom. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes and I was lost forever. Time has flown by. Sierra was such a happy, easy baby and she has turned into a happy, fun-loving girl who enjoys every day.

This is her on her first day of preschool two years ago, her first day of preschool last year, and her last day just yesterday.
This is also her idea of what she looked like at the beginning of the year and what she looks like now. Notice how she went from a bald, fat monkey to a bodacious, long-brown haired girl with green eyes instead of flat, blond and blue-eyed. Ya gotta love the mind of a 5 year old girl!!!
I don't know if I am ready for her to be such a big girl. I am lucky that she still likes to snuggle and hug with me, and considers me her bestest friend and mommy in the whole wide world. (her words, not mine.)

When I asked her what she is most excited for Kindergarten, this is what she said:
"This is going to be fun; okay, I am going to have fun playing with my friends on the playground, coloring, learning my letters, and oh yeah, playing with the dinosaurs even though girls don't like dinosaurs, I just LOVE dinosaurs. Yah, that is great. It's going to be fun."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My amazing weekend!

Memorial weekend usually is cloudy, gray, and rainy. This year, we had wonderful friends come to visit that have never been here before. We spent the whole weekend outside, enjoying each other and spending quality time with all the kids. Albert and Gordon had a great time working on a couple of my flower beds and being creative with plants, flowers, and rocks. I think Albert is a closet gardener/landscaper. It was great to have someone else's eyes see our place and give us some great advice on what to do with these three flower beds. Don't they look terrific?Julie and I spent a lot of time taking turns holding Jonah, playing with Greta, and joking around with my kids and their oldest daughter, Hailey. It really was one of the most amazing and fun weekends we have had in a long time. The memories will last a life time.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hectic week...

The last few days have been hectic. On Monday, Diann came over and we did 7 week evaluations on the puppies. These puppies are gorgeous!!! Scroll down to see the pics.

Tuesday I got called to jury duty and spent my morning in a courtroom.

Today Diann came over to take a look at a couple of the puppies for a second time. We needed some different pictures for a few of the buyers.

Thursday is clean house day while Gordon works outside, and then I have to go to work in the evening.

Friday three of the puppies go in for health certificates for flying to their new homes. One of the puppies will be going to her new home later that afternoon. Then our great friends, Albert and Julie are coming up with their three children for the weekend. Whew, busy times.

These pics of the puppies turned out great-thanks to Tiffani for loaning me her awesome camera. (Yes, Tiff, I think I want to buy it. I just have to work out the details with my hubby!!)

Anyways, enjoy the pictures.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Redneck BBQ

Last night we decided to BBQ a marinated turkey breast for dinner and then have a family camp fire. While BBQing, Gordon decided to sit and enjoy the sun and the kids playing in the back yard. It must have got too relaxing, because before you know it, he took a little "eye rest". Good thing I woke him up to check on the turkey!!!

The camp fire was very enjoyable. Of course, since it was just us four, the kids decided it would be more fun to play than to sit with us "old folk", so Gordon and I (and the dogs) sat around the fire while the kids used up a lot of energy playing around us. All in all, a very nice night!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday with Faith-turned into Sunday with the six!

This is the last week that all six puppies will be together. How sad. It has been a great adventure and so much fun raising these little monsters. We are all sad that they will be leaving for their new homes, but very excited for the new owners. We decided to bring all six of them out to the front lawn and let them run around and play. It was fun to watch the kids. There was a whole lot of giggling going on.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The joy of turning "40"

By now most of you know that I turned 40 this month. I really don't have any complaints about that. There is a saying, "You are only as old as you feel you are." I feel like I am still in my early 30's. Except I am tired more often!
Anyways, one of the duties as a 40 and older woman is to get yearly mammograms. I have been hearing so many things; scary, funny, embarrassing things from people and I have had people tell me that they would pray for me when I had to have this procedure. REALLY?!?!?!?
It isn't so bad. I mean, just this last Tuesday was my very first mammogram. I walked into the clinic, shook hands with an attractive young lady, proceded to take off my shirt and bra and let her fondle my breasts. What is wrong with that? Nothing, right? It was all fun and games!
Then, yesterday I get a call from the radiologist in Bellingham who actually read my mammogram. She wanted me to come into the Bellingham clinic and have more pictures taken. I was flattered! I mean, really; my breasts are great and to have someone want to have more pictures of them, I was very honored!
So, off I went this morning. I walked into the clinic, met an older woman, took off my shirt and bra and let her fondle my breasts for a while. After several pictures and touches, she refers me to yet another lady who liked my breasts so much, she wanted to take pictures of the inside! I mean, wow, I am so loved!! When she was done admiring, she brought in her friend and she looked at my breasts, fondled a little and then asked me to come back in 6 months to do it all again. I never knew the power of boobies-but now I do!!! These squishy little girls have mesmerizing powers that make people just want to touch them. Ok, maybe not so little, but you get the picture.

Now, the truth is, because I had a breast reduction 7 years ago, I have a lot of scar tissue inside. I mean, a lot! Since this was my first mammogram, they needed lots of pictures to have to compare the next time I go in. Most women go in once a year. I will too, but they want to just make sure that the scar tissue isn't hiding any other issues, so they want me back in 6 months.

To all you out there who thought you were having a bad morning-at least your boobies weren't fondled and squished flat by 4 different women in three days time!!!!

Hope I made a few people laugh with this one. It was quite the experience!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Car Wash Fundraiser

Hey everyone!
This Saturday 5/16, my niece is putting on a car wash/hot dog feed at her dad's work to raise money for her 8th grade science field trip to San Diego. She leaves on the 27th and is trying to raise money for the trip.
So come out and support her; get your car washed; eat a hot dog; say hi. Donations needed, tips welcome and appreciated!

11-3pm at the parking lot of WaterTec, Inc. (On Birch Bay Lynden Road, behind Safeway, next to Wiser Lake as is Furniture)

Thanks for all your support!!! Tell all your friends and family to come out and get a car wash!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day. It started off with a wonderful sermon by Pastor Grant, followed by brunch at Homestead Golf Course. After stuffing ourselves silly with good food, we came home for a little bit and regrouped. At 2pm we went to see my niece, Jessica, in the NVHS play "Footloose". It was awesome!! I couldn't believe how well all of the kids did in their parts. The singing was amazing, the dancing was good, and the acting was great. It was really fun. Of course, Sierra's favorite parts were the kissing scene and the end when they release a ton of balloons from the ceiling all over the audience.
After the play, we came home and Gordon mowed the lawn while Evan rode his dirtbike around the driveway for awhile. Sierra played up in her room, and I cleaned up a little. I know, I know, it was Mother's Day. I'm not supposed to do anything! But, I had 10 dozen eggs to clean and put away and a load of laundry to get done.
The rest of the evening was spent catching up on recorded shows and chillin'. All in all, A GREAT DAY!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

My birthday surprise

Last night, Gordon and all my great friends threw me a little surprise birthday party. We had BBQ hotdogs and burgers and lots of chips and veggies. It was great. I also have a huge Costco cake that we didn't even open up. I have A LOT of cake to pass out to people! Then Holly kidnapped me and we went to Ladies Poker Night at Tarah's house. All in all it was a fun day. That was yesterday, not even my birthday yet!

Then, I wake up this morning to a wonderful surprise!! My dear friend, who will pay for this later, made me a gorgeous water feature for my front porch. I love it soooooo much, but I feel a little guilty that I am the one who gets to enjoy it all the time. So, I have decided to share the love. You don't know when, you don't know how, but my water feature might just show up in your front yard some day!!!

Fridays with Faith

The puppies are 5 1/2 weeks old. They are getting so playful. Here are a few updated pictures for today.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My special day

Most of you know that Friday is my 40th birthday! Yikes! I am getting old.

The nice thing about getting older is that you don't feel like you need presents and gifts given to you for every special occasion. There are many other things in life that are more important. With that being said, I would like to ask for a special birthday wish.

Since I will be 40, instead of thinking of me, do 40 somethings for someone else. Either a stranger or someone you know. Give them 40 hugs, 40 balloons, 40 dollars, donate to a special cause in their name ($40), anything that is 40. Then get on my blog and comment back to me to tell me what you did. I am anxious to see what everyone can come up with. Be creative and do it in honor of me! Thanks, everyone!

Monday, May 4, 2009

My weekend

As I mentioned on Friday morning, really early, myself, Sierra, Chris, Jessica, Cheyanne and Carson all drove down to Portland to say goodbye to a dying uncle. He came all the way from Minnesota because he wanted to say goodbye to his family that lives out this way. We got down to Portland about 11am on Friday and went to my aunt's house around 5pm for a little family get-together. This is a picture of my uncle Burt and aunt Dorothy. Burt is a tiny little guy and this illness has made him even smaller. His back is bent, his hand is all gnarled, and he is missing his right arm due to disease. He has endured a lot, and he still is happy and smiling and was very grateful to see all of us.

This is a picture of my sister's and I. Me, Sherri and Chris. It's not a bad picture for 3 ugly ducks!!

Now I am back home trying to make some sense out of this pig sty that is my house, due to leaving the two "guys" home alone for 48 hours!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday with Faith

I know that when I post something, it shows the date. What it doesn't show is the time. It is 12:37am-as in the middle of the night for most people. I just got home from work and have to be ready to head down to Portland in 4 hours. I figure-why go to bed? Because we are leaving so early in the morning, I wanted to make sure that I posted updated pictures of the puppies. They will be 5 weeks old on Monday. They are getting really playful and fun to be around. Please enjoy these new pics.